Spray deodorants and perfumes are a potential health hazard causing severe respiratory distress. Aerosol sprays are banned from use at school and will be confiscated. Students are expected to use roll-on or pump- action deodorants if they need to re-apply after physical activity at school.
Bulletins are an important source of information for students regarding current school activities. They are available via DAYMAP and should be checked regularly.
The school canteen can be accessed every school day for Recess and Lunch. Pre-ordering is preferred and can be done via the QkR app. There is a copy of the menu on our school website, or on the app, where there are more choices.
Cigarettes or other smoking related items
State regulations prohibit any person, including students, staff and visitors from smoking on school grounds
Students will be suspended for possession of, or for smoking cigarettes, vaping or other associated paraphenalia
In addition, the school has some legal responsibility for students at other times when unsupervised but still clearly enrolled at this school (including on the way to and from school, on excursions and at school events)
Students who choose to associate with those who are smoking can expect a consequence.
Learnlink Emails are an important way to receive information from the school (such as timetables). All students should regularly check their emails. If you need help accessing Learnlink, please see one of the friendly IT support team at IT services.
Emergency Contact
Parents/caregivers who need to contact their child in an emergency are asked to phone the school’s Front Office as students are not permitted to have their phones on during lesson time. Messages will only be delivered in the case of an emergency
Illness at school, or needing to be sent home early due to an accident
Students who feel unwell are to advise the subject teacher who will record in DAYMAP that the student is going to Student Services.
Student Services staff will either provide First Aid and/or ring the parent/caregiver to collect the student. In an emergency an ambulance will be called.
Note: Seaview staff are not able to supply painkillers or any other medication. Students requiring regular medication should notify Student Services and, if necessary, leave supplies with them, which will be kept secure for safety reasons. Parents/caregivers are asked to advise the school and provide a Medication Authority form if this is required.
Homework and Homework Club
Homework has a role in supporting students to be successful at school. Students are expected to enter their homework in their diary. Homework is generally available electronically on Daymap; the school’s Learner Management System. Homework support is provided in the Learning Hub: after school on Mon – Thur. Students can choose to access tutoring provided by staff, or they may be referred by their teachers, if they have outstanding tasks to complete.
SEAVIEW HIGH SCHOOL IS A LATEX FREE SCHOOL There is an increasing prevalence of latex allergies in the community. People with such allergies can experience severe respiratory distress, which may even be life-threatening when exposed to products containing latex. As a result all products containing latex are banned from the site.
Latex can be found in a variety of products including balloons, gloves, masks, whoopee cushions and silly string. If you are unsure, please check the product packaging or contact the school.
Students are allocated a locker in Year 7-10 at the beginning of the school year. Bags and personal equipment is expected to remain in the locker. Students will need to provide a suitable lock for the locker.
Lost Property
All personal items including mobile phones are brought to the school at the students’ own risk. Lost property is held for a period of time at Student Services. A student's locker is the safest place to keep any valuable items that must be brought to school.
NB: Students should not bring unnecessary sums of money to school. Mobile phones and other electronic devices are brought to the school at the students’ own risk. The school accepts no responsibility for personal items of students that are lost or damaged whilst being used at school.
To help with the return of lost property, please ensure removable items of clothing are clearly labelled.
Movement around the school during lesson times
Students leaving the classroom must have the permission of their teacher. The teacher will record the student movement in DAYMAP.
Payments for excursions or other school related expenses
The preferred payment methods for school fees, excursions etc are BPoint and QkR. Students can make payments at Student Services outside of regular lesson times.
Personal Information (email, mobile phone numbers, address)
Please ensure that any changes in your personal information (address, telephone numbers, email, emergency contact details etc.) are passed on to Student Services and Care Group teachers as soon as possible.
Student Progress
Care Group teachers are the first point of contact for students and their parents who wish to discuss student progress or particular needs. Year Level Managers, subject teachers and/or members of the Administration may also be contacted by students and their parents/caregivers at any time.
For reasons of safety and security all visitors to the school are required to sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge from the Front Office. Unauthorised visitors will be asked to leave the school grounds.
Visitors are also advised to check the Department for Education website for latest information regarding COVID restrictions when visiting the school.