At Seaview we promote democratic relationships and work actively to develop students’ understanding of themselves and others, as learners and collaborators in decision making. We work to create a culture of mutual respect, where students work alongside teachers to innovate, design and implement strategies that improve understandings and learning across the school.
The management of behaviour is based on Restorative Practices. This means we address behaviour by promoting self-regulation and acceptance of responsibility for one’s own actions. We use each incident as an educative opportunity for repairing harm and to foster socially responsible relationships.
The restorative approach assists students to:
Take action and not just talk about behaviour
Accept responsibility for immediate and future actions
Repair current damage they have caused
Empower their victims
Participate in bringing about real internal change, which are linked to the School values and Student Code of Conduct.
Seaview High School’s Behaviour Management procedures are consistent with the Department for Education's Behaviour Support Policy. Our procedures, actions and interactions are guided by the following values: Respect, Empathy, Integrity and Resilience.
To develop a community of learners that is based on positive behaviour, mutual respect, compassion for others and cooperation
To create a learning environment that is caring, supportive and inclusive of all learners and free from harassment and bullying
To manage behaviour in a positive manner
To establish clear and consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Restorative Practices
Restorative practice is a strategy that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged, including those damaged through bullying. It does this by bringing about a sense of remorse and restorative action on the part of the offender and forgiveness by the victim.
There may be times when you are part of a "Restorative Meeting" because there is a relationship that needs to be restored.
In that meeting, you will work through the questions below to help repair the relationship.