Student work and photographs/images may be published or displayed for the following reasons:
Class displays: In classes students are photographed or filmed as a learning activity i.e. in a photography lesson, filming a presentation
For the purpose of obtaining a Learning Hub/Student Transport Identification Card. All students are required to carry this card
To celebrate and acknowledge student achievement and involvement in a range of school based activities
e.g. Sports Day, assemblies, performances, lunch time activities, on excursions or camps
For promotional publicity e.g. website, newsletter, school publications and the school Facebook page
A form asking for permission to publish any photographs and/or student works, will be requested once per student, covering their time at Seaview High School.
This consent will remain in force as long as a student is enrolled at this school. Parents must inform the Care Group teacher in writing, if they wish to withdraw this permission at any time throughout the year.